New Column Brings Recognition to Unsung Artists: November’s artist Amanda Hugas
December 7, 2021
The Artist of the Month for November is an 11th grade student, Amanda Hugas. Her
preferred subject of art features people with elements of fantasy, such as wings. The drawings
are highlighted with neon ink, making them stand out on the bland, ever-so-slightly greyed paper
of a sketchbook.
The style leans towards abstract cartoonism, with big eyes and dramatic expressions that
are commonly seen in cartoons or anime. A strength in – and love for – color stands out,
distracting from the hands which may or may not be a size too small. Some parts of the
drawings had been smudged. Amanda stated it was the most annoying part about drawing – the smudges – to
intense agreement from the left-handed.

All of the designs are characters she created, which is about as original as you can get
nowadays. Sketches littered the… well, the sketchbook, along with full works. A couple had no
color at all. Amanda is very proud of her work, and she has every reason to be.