Upcoming Musselman Halloween Events: Monster Dash and Halloween Bash
October 18, 2021
What: The Musselman Halloween bash with our traditional monster dash is coming up soon. The monster dash will be virtual this year with a haunted trail following as well as trunk or treat. There will also be a costume contest for everyone that comes to the Halloween bash.
Where: Everything will be held at Musselman High School. The trunk or treat will be in the teacher parking lot on the left side of the school and the haunted trail will start on the left side of the school as well and go behind the school.
When: The Halloween bash involving all of the events listed above will be held on Saturday, October 23rd. The Trunk or Treat will be from 3-5pm, the costume contest will be at 4pm, and the haunted trail will be from 6:30-8:30pm.
Who: The Musselman Halloween bash is open to anyone of all ages. Registration will end on Wednesday, October 20th. The haunted trail will involve strobe lights, scary sounds, and monsters lurking in the dark, so enter at your own risk!