Back to School at Musselman High School
October 1, 2021

Back to School!
It’s back to school for the students, teachers, and staff here at Musselman High. We here at the Ciderpress want to say welcome to the Freshman and congratulations to last year’s seniors for graduating. We wish you all the best!
These past few years have been special, so this year, many are hoping for a good year. Being back to school does not mean that things have returned to normal as West Virginia’s covid cases are still in the red. There are a few guidelines for schools to follow. We will be giving updates on both the CDC and the school’s policy concerning Covid, but we’ll come back to that later.
The start of the school year has been no doubt been chaotic for so many people, students, staff, teachers, and parents alike. Changes with the school schedule and returning after a year with many students learning via click are just two hurdles that our Applemen have been facing this year. Here is what students and staff think about the start of the current 2021-2022 school year:
Q: What do you think about the new schedule?
A(Student): It’s ok, but classes feel long. I think that’s just getting used to different times though.
Q: How do you feel about being back in school?
A(Ms. Nutter): I absolutely love being back in school! Anything is better than last year.
Q: What are your expectations for this school year?
A(Anonymous): Getting good grades and having an enjoyable school year.
With the new bell schedule and reverting back to a solely brick schedule, there’s been some confusion. However, with time students and teachers have adapted and become accustomed to the changes. Students and staff also are looking forward to participating in events that were previously unable to happen over the last school year. Sporting events, homecoming, clubs, and pep rallies are just a few events students are looking forward to.
As for right now the CDC is requiring masks be worn by all persons in Berkeley County School buildings for the foreseeable future. Masks are mandated only when we’re in the red zone; if it’s anything less, then they are not mandatory. Masks are recommended if transmission is lower, but it is up to your personal choice. As the school year continues and the guidelines evolve, we will notify you if there’s an update.