The student chosen for this month’s Artist of the Month is Esabeya Marks. She is a Senior at MuHS, and was nominated by Ms Shockey. Esabeya is a very talented artist and student who is taking a graphic arts class. When asked why she was chosen, Ms Shockey stated “She is a talented, hardworking student that always goes above and beyond directions and expectations on every assignment. She puts so much effort and creativity into her artwork, so she excelled very quickly in my Graphic Arts class.”
Esabeya has been doing art her entire life. She’s drawn, sketched, painted and more. She usually paints though, it’s more fun and enjoyable. She likes doing both graphic art and regular art and doesn’t prefer either over the other.
Even though she has been doing art her entire life, she does not plan on using her art abilities in her career,she just does art for fun and as a pastime.
When asked why she does art she said it relaxes her and it’s just something calming she can do if she’s stressed. She could just sit down with some art supplies and get lost in the art and be relaxed doing it. And when she’s done, there is a beautiful outcome that she could keep if she wanted to.
When nearing the end of the interview, Esabeya was asked if she had any tips for beginner artists, she replied with “Just use your imagination, make something creative and something no one has seen before.”
Which is great advice, if you just get creative and create what you want to, it doesn’t matter if other people like it or not just make something you like.
If you know somebody you would like to nominate, please contact The Cider Press or Mrs. Rjasko in room 601.