Community Member takes Joy in Capturing Moments

Karl Collo, above left, enjoys taking pictures of local sports games and events. Last year, Collo received an award honoring his work. Picture by: Karl Collo
May 15, 2023
If you have ever been to some of the sports games for Musselman High, then you might have seen a certain person showing up to most of the games with a camera. Some think he is with The Martinsburg Journal taking pictures and writing articles about the Musselman Athletics program. That is not the case. His name is Karl Collo, and he is a freelancer who takes pictures for Musselman High and posts them on his Facebook for the community to see.

Although he takes pictures for Musselman Athletics, Karl also takes pictures for many other Musselman events. For example, he has taken pictures for band events, cheer comps, show choir, pep rallies, and award banquets. He says he will take pictures for any Musselman event that his work schedule will allow. When asked why he takes pictures for Musselman High he says, “I live in South Berkeley and my kids are Musselman graduates.”
Karl says he enjoys taking pictures for Musselman High since he has been doing so for the school since 2016. Although he is known for his pictures for Musselman High, Karl’s daytime job is as a database administrator. Karl has always been an artsy person and has always loved art, but didn’t get into photography until he was in high school while taking a graphic design class.

At this time, he doesn’t have a set goal with photography but it is just a hobby. Some people have a different drive when it comes to finding that perfect picture moment. It can be picturing something you’re passionate about all the way to a paying job where someone has hired you for your pictures. Karl’s drive is capturing an authentic moment in time for people to look back on. Karl says, “Photos are lasting.”
Karl is known all around South Berkeley for his beautiful pictures, and we here at Musselman High School respect and appreciate all of the time and effort he has put into our high school.
Last year Karl was presented the Distinguished Service Award for all of his hard work and he says he is very grateful for the recognition. Karl also has some words of advice to all of the young, aspiring photographers who could be reading this, “Have fun, try things out of your comfort zone, practice, and take risks.”