Wrestling Season Snapshot

The 2022-2023 Applemen Wrestling team.
January 31, 2023
Our Applemen wrestling team has started their season off strong with a record of 21-4. The Cider Press caught up with MuHS assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Metz, to allow him to comment on the current season.
When asked how the wrestling team has started off the season, Coach Metz stated, “We are doing ok. We are doing as expected with such a young team. We have had a strong start to the season as we have hit tougher competition, and we have learned some tuff lessons, but they have been good ones.”
When asked what his season predictions would be, he said, “I think we will be able to have all fourteen guys at state this year and to be able to get 2nd in the region.”
Some of the key players for the team this year that Metz mentioned were Landyn Lioi, Colin Edwards, and Brandon Worthington. When asked what the biggest strength of the team was, Metz said, “I think our biggest strength is how aggressive we are and how good our offensive is. We are always looking to score points.” But when asked what their biggest weakness was, he said, “I think it’s just how young the team is and how inexperienced our guys are.” Metz was asked to define the team in his own words, and he said these two words” young and hungry.”