Applemen Marching Band takes the win at Martinsburg Spectacular

Pictured is the MuHS Marching Band who took home the win at the Martinsburg Spectacular in September.
October 14, 2022
On Saturday, September 24th, ten of the local high schools’ marching bands gathered in Martinsburg High for the annual Martinsburg Band Spectacular. Out of the bands that competed, Musselman came out on top.
One by one each high school that participated walked out to perform their marching ensemble on the Martinsburg Football Field. Musselman’s show this year was “Love of Frankenstein.”
The band had an eclectic wide variety of sides including, “My Body is a Cage,” “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” “1812 Overture” and more. The band members actually sang parts of “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” which is something that many marching bands do not typically do.

While the band was performing, the color guard was spinning their flags and even had pitchforks. The band along with some parents, boosters, and Musselman NAHS members came together to make spooky props for their show that included a big Frankenstein head and a castle in the night. Voice clips throughout the show brought in the spooky, scary side vibe of the show. All in all, this performance was a sight to see that gave many chills from the talent of the band and direction of Mr. Knepper.
Each band was scored on several categories that then created an average total. Musselman’s average score took first place winning them a trophy.
Several students felt that the marching band did well, but still commented that they always have something to work on and perfect as they move through competition season.
Jonathan Stevens, who is a freshman baritone player, stated, “We did pretty good. I messed up some and missed a few visuals, but for the most part I think I did pretty great for the first competition of the season.”
The marching band has traditionally done very well in past years. However, they don’t let the success go to their head. This is evident in seniors’ responses to how they feel about leaving.
Jacob Sherman, a senior, responded, “It will be kinda sad not being able to march with them again and have an awesome show, like next year, but who knows maybe I’ll come back in tech if I can.”
Altogether, a close-knit group of Musselman students stood out on stage and proved there’s more to marching than meets the eye. The dedication, concentration, hard work, and teamwork to pull off an amazing show were apparent.
Be on the lookout to view their winning show during halftime at home games and at more competitions!