MuHS JV softball goes head to head with rival Martinsburg Bulldogs

April 27, 2022
On Thursday April 14th, 2022 Musselman JV softball girls took on a head to head game with their rivals Martinsburg’s JV softball girls. Starting out top of the first, Musselman took the field first with Leslie Payne pitching. With that leading, only one Martinsburg girl is able to score. Musselman goes up to bat next with Kyra Poling getting hit with a pitch as the first batter was able to round the bases to score Musselman’s first point and Kalei Brennan shortly after.

With bases loaded, Cheyenne Sawyer came up and hit a triple making it 5-1. Top of the second inning with a strike out by Leslie Payne followed by a double play making a quick 3 outs. Another quick inning with a ground out for Martinsburg ending the bottom of the 2nd. With the top of the 3rd ending at 2-5 Musselman came to the batting box rounding off the inning with a score of 2-10. After a few good hits from Musselman in the bottom of the 4th the score then reached 2-15. In the top of the fifth Martinsburg hitter Lauren Nicley hits an amazing triple followed with a steal making the final score 3-15, Musselman with the win. Both teams put up some amazing hits along with some great plays. Great job girls!